You may have gone to your annual check-up or made an appointment with your family physician because you were experiencing aching legs, visible surface-level spider veins, varicose veins, or other related symptoms, and your primary care doctor advised you to see a vein doctor at a vein clinic in NYC for specialized vein treatment. When you’re entrusting someone with your health, it is important to take a look at who exactly will be treating you and what they do. Click HERE to book an appointment to seek treatment with a vein doctor at our vein clinic in NYC, or keep reading to learn about how a vein doctor can help you!
What is a Vein Doctor?
A vein doctor is called a phlebologist, and they can come from a variety of fields of medicine, including cardiology, anesthesiology, and emergency medicine, as long as they have the proper training to treat veins. Back when the only viable treatment option for vein disease was surgery, the only doctors who had the training and knowledge to treat veins were vascular surgeons. However, in the wake of minimally-invasive innovations, all sorts of doctors can be trained to become venous specialists
What should I look for in a Vein Doctor?
The best way to evaluate a phlebologist is to go to the clinic’s website and read up on their qualifications, success stories, and patient testimonials. It’s important to find a vein doctor who is highly trained and experienced with ultrasound and minimally invasive procedures so that you can be sure that you are receiving the highest standard of vein care. It is equally important that you seek a vein doctor who is compassionate, understanding, empathetic, and able to communicate with you effectively at all stages of treatment.
How Does a Vein Doctor Diagnose Vein Diseases?
The vein doctor will first try to gather a complete family history and physical picture of your health by first asking you about your symptoms and determining if you have any risk factors. Then the vein specialist will conduct a physical examination to search for unhealthy veins, then get imaging done of your legs if he or she suspects that you might have venous insufficiency.
What Can I Expect at my Vein Clinic Appointment?
The best form of imaging for vein disease is Duplex Ultrasound. It combines Doppler, which lets the doctor see the speed and direction of blood flow in a blood vessel, with conventional ultrasound, which displays black and white images of the inside of the body, to provide the doctor with a lot of important information about your veins.
The ultrasound technician will start out by looking at the deep veins in the legs to ensure there are no blood clots, then scan spider or varicose veins that are causing pain or irritation.They will also make sure the valves in the saphenous veins (GSV and SSV) are working by checking that the blood is flowing in the correct direction.
How can I Prepare For My Vein Clinic Appointment?
Before your appointment for a Doppler ultrasound at a vein treatment clinic, we recommend that you drink a lot of water on the day of an ultrasound. The more hydrated you are, the larger your veins will be, which will make it a lot easier to see venous reflux on the Doppler ultrasound. Caffeine actually does the opposite and makes your veins constrict, so we would suggest that you avoid drinking any coffee, tea, or soda before your appointment.
At your vein treatment appointment, you will get the ultrasound done in a warm room while standing to maximize the amount of blood in the veins in the legs, which makes the blood flow and speed a lot easier to see on the ultrasound.
Make an appointment!
Our vein clinic in NYC is accessible by both Grand Station and Penn Station and is close to major landmarks such as the Empire State Building. The Vein Treatment Clinic New York has physicians who are passionate about your well-being and who can consult with you to help you heal. Since minimally invasive therapies are the norm, scheduling an appointment at our vein clinic in NYC ensures that you can receive the best possible care. If you are ready to finally get treatment for your vein disease, check out the Vein Treatment Clinic location in Manhattan or Long Island for vein treatment today!