You Can Be Sure To Get Good Advice From A Neck Pain Doctor NYC Or An NYC Back Pain Specialist
There are many reasons why you could have back or neck pain, and it will not matter to you what caused it, just what can be done to relieve it. It could be that you have been playing sport or exercising, sleeping in an unusual position or have moved in an awkward way; once the pain is there it is important to have it dealt with. The majority of the time, it will be possible to get a lot of relief, it is just a matter of determining what to do to deal with the problem.
You might be lucky and find that the pain goes away, and as long as it does not come back, then that should be the end of it. You will not need to speak to a neck pain doctor NYC, but if it lasts for more than a week or so and seems to get worse, don’t ignore it. The idea of treatment may not be appealing, but if it is neglected, the consequences could be a whole lot worse than anything a back pain specialist NYC will put you through.
An NYC back pain specialist can help you towards a pain free life
The first thing to do will be to look for a back pain specialist NYC. When you have made an appointment, it will be a good idea to have a list of questions ready for them. They will ask you a lot about your medical history, but you will also want to know what is about to happen to you. All doctors will believe that the treatment they provide will be the best and this is the same when it comes to a neck pain doctor NYC. You may really like the sound of some treatments and be a little bit wary of others. Don’t be afraid to ask all the questions you have written down as you want to be sure that the selected treatment is right for you.
The next thing to decide when choosing a neck pain doctor NYC is to do with the location and availability of the doctor. You could choose the best doctor in the City, but if you cannot get to their practice or manage to make an appointment at a time to suit you, it will be pointless. You need to know that they are in an area that you can reach and can either park or be happy to walk to. You will also need to know that they are open hours that suit you and are prepared to offer emergency appointments if you require one.
Knowing your neck pain doctor NYC will also be important. If you are an adult, the personality of the doctor will not be as important as it is when there is a child to be treated. If the neck pain doctor NYC is abrupt – you would hope they would not be, but there will be doctors who are all about the results and nothing about the experience. Once you are able to find a back pain specialist NYC or neck pain doctor who is available and will be suitable for your needs, then you will be able to start the treatment.
Some people will want it to be a neck pain doctor NYC or back pain specialist NYC who are experts in the field of neck or back pain, while others would be more comfortable knowing that the doctor has a holistic approach to the relief of pain. It can be the case that the location of the pain is not the cause of the pain and you will want your doctor to be able to link locations and determine where they need to treat to get you pain free. As no two cases are the same, the treatment you receive may be different to that of a colleague or acquaintance has received and this is nothing to be worried about.
Your examination by the back pain specialist NYC will be thorough and as mentioned, areas may be tested where you are not feeling any pain. This will then allow the neck pain doctor NYC to deal with the issue as an ongoing treatment and not just provide pills to mask the pain you are feeling.
What should you be expected from the NYC back pain specialist you are trusting with your treatment?
There are other issues to check when you are choosing your doctor. These include: –
- Their qualifications – they should be Board Certified Physicians and be able to prove this via certificates and documentation. All doctors who advertise as a back pain specialist NYC will have this.
- Experience – it is understood that every neck pain doctor NYC needs to have their first few patients, but most of the time you will not want it to be you, especially when you are in a lot of pain.
- There are many good Colleges and Universities and gaining a place at the top ones will let you know that there is a talented and well-educated doctor about to help you.
It will be important to you that the neck pain doctor NYC you are dealing with is going to provide you with options rather than just telling you what they will do. If there are not any options, they should explain this as it is important that a patient is fully aware of everything that they are going to go through. Some options will be surgical, but it is hoped that this will not be the first option given. Short term painkillers and physiotherapy are often tried in the beginning and it is only when this has not worked that there will be the more complicated options given. Back and neck surgery can be difficult and there tend to be a lot of risks, so a good doctor will try everything then can before putting you through this.
Before any treatment is carried out for mild pain by a back pain specialist NYC, it will be advisable to do as much as you can to help yourself. Check that your pillows are suitable, you are not sleeping in a draught and with regards to the back, you are not lifting items that are too heavy and are not lifting them in an incorrect way. A neck pain doctor NYC will advise that you are also active as lack of use can lead to pain occurring in certain muscles.
What you can do before you make an appointment to see an NYC back pain specialist.
There are specific exercises that can be carried out when there is lower back pain and a back pain specialist NYC will strongly advice that this is at least attempted before looking for medical intervention. Swimming and yoga are always going to help, but if you do not find it desirable to do either if these, then you can try gentle exercises at home such as: –
- Kneeling on all fours and slowly moving to rest the bottom on the knees.
- Knee rolls – lie on the back with the knees bent. Slowly roll from the waist and try to get your knees onto the floor.
- Lie flat on the floor with bent arms at your side. Push down on your arms and begin to arch the back until you can feel a slight pull in the stomach.
If any of these lead to extra pain, stop right away. They are not meant to be an alternative to seeking the help of a neck pain doctor NYC or back pain specialist NYC but are just intended to get you in the best possible position to start whatever treatment they suggest you undergo.
The services that should be offered will be determined by the findings of the examinations that take place by the back pain specialist NYC. A physical hands-on examination will take place, but it is more than likely that the diagnostic imaging procedure will pick up the problem. After that the doctors will decide whether or not to suggest massage, acupuncture or physical therapy. It will be a lot easier to decide on the treatment if the problem is easy to diagnose. Conditions that will be easy to treat include: –
- Herniated discs
- Scoliosis
- Degenerative disc complaints
- Spinal stenosis
- Sciatica
- Arthritis
- Degenerative joint deformities and sports injuries
Many clinics will talk about the abilities of their staff, but it is worth checking out that it is a specialist that you are dealing with due to the location of the pain. If anything goes wrong when it is the spine or neck that is being treated, then there could be life changing problems caused. Knowing that there are various areas covered will give the confidence that there will be someone to give help and advice whatever the diagnosis is.
The options you have when the non-invasive treatments have not worked.
There are going to be times when the specialist you have been dealing with tells you that there is no option other than to perform some type of surgery. This will be as minimally invasive as they can make it, but it must be accepted that staying totally non-invasive is not always possible. As so many people suffer from lower back pain, it is understandable that this is an area that has been researched and several treatments have been developed. As some can reach a stage that is classed as chronic and suffer for around a year, they will be glad for the relief that can be provided by a back pain specialist NYC.
When the problem is a herniated disc, it is often found that other treatments do not work so find this one will be ideal for them. A CT imaging machine is used, and a needle is passed into the area causing the pain. It will be a nerve root and disc and it then has a tube placed through the needle. This is going to send radiofrequency energy into the disc and will continue for around 10 minutes. The probe does not even have to make contact with the disc in order to be effective. As there is just energy rather than heat that is passed through, there is little risk of any complications and also no need for a resting and recovery period after the treatment has finished.
Not all patients will be fully recovered after the first treatment, but only a few needed a second, and a very small minority ended up needing a form of surgery. There have also not been any side effects discovered as yet, as all patients who have undergone this have said there have been no problems for them.
There are good reasons why doctors want to avoid carrying out invasive procedure on the neck and back.
This type of procedure is ideal for a back pain specialist NYC as well as their patients as there are accepted risks when invasion is required. As well as the obvious risks of damage due to the close proximity to nerves, there is the risk of excessive bleeding, post-operative infection and the requirement for a lot of rest and restriction of movement during the recovery period.
The same can be said when it is a neck pain doctor NYC involved and the treatment is to the neck. The risks are clear, and the doctors will want to exhaust all other possibilities before making an incision in that area. Obviously, all medical specialists will want the best for their patients and will not want to do anything that will cause them any harm – the oath they take explains that – so will leave surgery until they are sure that there is nothing else that can be done to help them.
You can be sure that when you visit the surgery for advice, you will be on the way to a pain free life in as short a period of time as the specialists you choose can arrange.