Lower Back Pain Overview. Lower back pain is common and at some point anyone could have an episode of it. Low back pain regarding anatomical location is considered to be below the ribs and above the thighs; but sometimes extends to the knees or below. Low back pain is typically acute or chronic and knowing the difference between the two can help to decide treatment course or development. Acute symptoms or changes come rapid or suddenly after a trauma and last for a shorter period. On the other hand, chronic symptoms last for long time could be months. Also, acute symptoms could potentially become chronic.
Lower back pain risk factors can be mentioned such as aging, trauma or injury because of overuse or strain, arthritis, fractures, herniated disc, congenital spine issue, and a disease or an illness.
Lower Back Pain Symptoms. It depends on what the real cause of the pain is and this can be diagnosed and evaluated by a Pain Specialist. Symptoms are wide and the pain can sometimes be sharp and other times dull. It can be localized to one point or it can expand to a wider area.
Leg pain can also happen because of lower back pain and it can cause tingling sensation, numbness, and knee pain or below knee pain. However, if symptoms worsen causing lack of feeling in the bowels and/ or bladder, or if lower extremities become very weak and weaker each time, or when sitting you cannot feel, then it is recommended to seek prompt medical attention for this situation.
Low back pain diagnosis. Board certified pain doctor will go in detail over your past medical history, symptoms, and regular activities. Clinical evaluation is done and imaging test results like MRIs, CT scans, and X-rays are sometimes necessary and recommended by the pain specialist to be able to target your specific complaint and try to help you.
Generally, pain specialist will ask the patient for detail and description of the symptoms and prior medical history. In other cases, imaging tests are needed as well. Sometimes it will depend on the imaging to determine whether it is just a muscular pain or more than that.
Pain can be localized as a result of back strain which means that pain does not radiate down or to the legs. Spasms can happen and soreness to the touch is common. The product of heavy lifting or a movement that is sudden or rapid and even falling can cause a back sprain.
Treatment options. Pain specialist recommendation is to try to diminish physical activity as soon as you have recognized the pain, but continue to be active by walking and taking analgesics as needed. Physical therapy is also helpful to maintain strong muscles with special exercises. What physical therapy do is prevent future injury by making the patient improve the balance and posture as a consequence of making the muscle of the body in the trunk become stronger.
For more severe symptoms, it is recommended to see a pain specialist for a multi dynamic approach. This is available and offered in the Pain Center in New York. Taking care of your back pain will help prevent bigger impact in your life like chronic back pain that can lead to complications.
Procedures that are offered at the New York Pain Institute by the pain experts are minimally invasive procedures that use ultrasound guidance for injections, x-ray imaging devices that are digitally precise for epidurals, kyphoplasty, spinal cord stimulation, Â and radiofrequency ablation. These procedures lower the need for surgical procedures and shortened recovery time tremendously.